Aside from the overall look of the revised Child Support Guideline Worksheet that will become effective January 1, 2009, here are some of the other significant and most commonly discussed changes:
- The Guidelines will now apply to combined incomes of up to $250,000.00.
- They are based upon the idea that the children spend approximately one-third (1/3) of their time with the payor parent.
- The recipient parent shall be responsible for the first $250.00 per year in uninsured medical and dental expenses for the children of the household combined.
- An existing order may be modified if it is more than three (3) year old. No other material change in circumstance need be present.
- There is no longer a credit for one-half (½) the cost of health insurance. Instead, the amount is used as a deduction from the weekly gross income.
- For self-employed persons, owners of businesses, corporations, partnerships and the like, gross income is defined as “gross receipts minus ordinary and necessary expenses required to produce income”. Personal expenses paid out of business accounts can also be swept back into the gross income calculation. The purpose of this is to distinguish income reported on tax returns from income used to calculate a child support obligation. Income for parents who work “under the table” will be treated similarly.
- The $20,000.00 custodial parent income disregard has been eliminated, as has the ten (10%) percent increase for children over the age of thirteen (13).
- The Guidelines now account for families of up to five (5) children, and make provisions for even larger families.
The overall conclusion of these changes and revisions is that most child support orders will be higher under the new calculation, particularly for those with mid and high-level incomes. The new calculations will be confusing to most, so please contact me if I can be of assistance, and to learn more about how the new Child Support Guidelines will affect you. By: Melissa R. Gillis, Esq.
The Division of Child Support Enforcement is proud of the work we do helping the children in Calefornia.
Posted by: child support enforcement | September 22, 2011 at 07:16 AM