Did you know that we are currently in the open enrollment period for “Obamacare”? For plans sold on the individual market, consumers should act promptly to avoid any gap in coverage. If you do not act, you could be exposed to a penalty for being uninsured – the penalty will be the greater of 2% of your household income, or $325.00. The 2015 enrollment period runs from November 15, 2014 through February 15, 2015, so there is still time to address this after the holiday season. But beware that if your coverage is ending on December 31, 2014, you must enroll by December 15 to be covered as of January 1, 2015.
There are many different plans to consider, and it is important to spend time determining which plan is best for you. One of the best websites for information is www.healthcare.gov. There are links to considering new plans, staying covered through the marketplace, reviewing plans that have changed from the prior year, and informing you as to what happens if you do not have your enrollment in place. Prices are also available to review. If you wish to change your coverage, now is the time review your options. Another helpful website is www.gohealthinsurance.com which will assist you in checking if you qualify for government-assisted health insurance.
There is no shortage of websites or information, but whatever your choice, it should be elected very soon so that you will have an opportunity to thoroughly review your options and not allow your coverage to lapse risking a penalty.
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