Everyone keeps mentioning FMLA, but what is it?
FMLA stands for the Family and Medical Leave Act, and it applies to employers who have 50 or more employees, public agencies, and elementary and secondary schools. Under this act, eligible employees are entitled to take an unpaid leave in which their job is protected, and they can continue to have group health insurance coverage for up to 12 workweeks in a one year period.
They can take this leave for the following reasons:
- The birth and care for a newborn child
- The placement and care of a child for adoption or foster care
- For a serious health condition experienced by their spouse, child, parent, or themselves
- For qualifying exigencies arising out of a covered military member’s covered active duty status
Under this act, an employee is also allowed 26 workweeks of leave during a single one year period to care for a covered service member with a serious injury or illness.
If you have any questions regarding FMLA, please speak to an employment law lawyer.
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